In the News: Anthrax Case Declared Solved Seven Years Later

FBI and Justice Department officials have declared the case of the 2001 anthrax attacks solved. After seven years of a troubled investigation, the FBI outlined a pattern of deceptive conduct by Army microbiologist Bruce E. Ivins – who killed himself last week – that officials said made him the only suspect in the mailing attacks that killed five people. Prosecutors have suggested several motives, among them Ivins’ dislike for Catholic senators who favor abortion rights and concern over whether the vaccine program he was working on at the time would come to an end. Investigators admitted that for years they had focused on the wrong man, Army biodefense researcher Steven J. Hatfill, who received a $4.6 million settlement from the Justice Department in June. Some scientists and friends of Ivins remain skeptical, noting that more than 100 people besides Ivins had access to the anthrax that was mailed to several senators and prominent journalists.

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