By the Numbers: Yemen and the Arab Spring

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The photo in Monday’s Washington Post of jubilant Yemenis dancing in the streets at the news that President Ali Abdullah Saleh had left the country was dramatically different from the cover photo in the CQ Global Researcher’s May 3 in-depth report on the Arab Spring. Our photo also showed Yemenis in the streets, but they were not celebrating. They were the picture of unmitigated fury as they protested the government’s recent sniper killings of a dozen unarmed protesters. Our report described the underlying causes of the region’s political unrest and the historical context in each country of the different tribal and ethnic roots of the turmoil. As readers of our report learned, the half-dozen Arab leaders being challenged in this year’s uprisings have been in power for a total of 168 years:

No. of years in power for leaders of:

Libya – 42

Syria (Assad family) – 40

Yemen – 33

Egypt – 30

Tunis – 23

More than 13,000 people have been killed this year in the Arab countries with the worst political turmoil, according to media reports and human-rights groups.

Number killed:

Libya – 10,000-plus*

Syria – 1,270-1,546

Yemen – up to 434

Egypt – 846-plus

Tunis – 223

*As of April 19, 2011

--Kathy Koch, Managing Editor, CQ Global Researcher